Experimental Playground

I make things to look at.

Archive for October 2009

Kyle’s First Comission.

with 3 comments

Isn’t it cute?

From Jewelry

So, I’m back to working days. That’s harsh, but the light of the sun will be banished by the cold covering of winter soon. Plus, Brutal Legend comes out tomorrow and I’ve got it on pre-order. A recording of Jack Black called me today to remind me. It’s was mildly epic.

I sold a necklace (pics of it to come soon) and was comissioned to repeat part of it. I made some leaves out of a sheet of metal for the necklace, and was paid to recreate them in sets. So, here’s a pic of the leaves. I might have another comission soon for a full necklace. Rad squared.

Here is another image for this week, a necklace I call “Hurl.” I still need to make a clasp for the cord, and a set of earrings to go with it.

From Jewelry

Written by Kyle

October 12, 2009 at 3:40 pm